Cheaper fares flights from Moree to Sydney

A commitment to cheaper fares and more flights between Moree and Sydney has given Brindabella Airlines the tender to run the regional air route.Brindabella will run morning, lunch-time and evening flights from Monday to Friday, as well as selected evening services, for a total of 1080 seats on 36 flights per week.This is 16 flights and 360 more seats than currently available.

Brindabella made a guarantee that its most expensive fares would be substantially cheaper than what is currently on offer.This will make] travel to Sydney much easier and affordable for residents from not only Moree but from surrounding areas such as Goondiwindi, St George and Walgett, said Member for Barwon Kevin Humphries.Mr Humphries said NSW awards a license to a single operator for air routes with less than 50,000 passenger movements, such as Moree to Sydney.While it is regrettable that there was less than optimal community consultation prior to the change, I have been assured by the NSW Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian that her Department will hold the new carrier accountable to delivering on its promise to improve the frequency of service and to offer more competitive pricing.I would welcome feedback from the local community as we enter the six month transition period, Mr Humphries said.

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