Heavy rains caused fluctuating visibility at the Mumbai airport on Friday morning, disrupting flight schedules. One flight was diverted to Hyderabad. A statement issued by the Mumbai International Airport Limited said the average delay in flight operations was 10-15 minutes.Due to heavy rain, one FedEx cargo flight FX-5034 was diverted to Hyderabad and IT-4142 made a go-around. Though the visibility dropped at times, the rest of the operations were normal,a MIAL spokesperson said.
The arrivals were late by 10-15 minutes. But the departures were on time. Some departures may have got affected due to consequential delays as the arrival timings changed,an official said. Authorities said that despite heavy rains, the required minimum visibility was there.It dropped below the required minimum 500 metres for two-three minutes in the morning. It was around 450 metres. That led to the diversion of one flight,an official said.The Meteorological department said visibility at the airport was low between 6 a.m. and 12 noon.The visibility trend was low. It was between 1000 and 1200 metres between 6 a.m. and 12 noon. It dropped drastically around 9 a.m. to 450 metres due to a heavy spell of rainfall,an official told The Hindu.We also issued a warning at 3.30 p.m. that the visibility may drop again.