Bad weather cancels more flights in Dallas

Airlines reported about 140 departure cancellations Wednesday. Most of them were caused by heavy hailstorms, according to a statement from David Magana, a DFW spokesman. Inspections for damage are continuing, so the storm’s effects could have a further impact on flight schedules,Most of the damage reports at DFW were from the drivers of taxicabs and cars that were parked on the south end of the airport, the statement said. The storm does not appear to have damaged DFW terminals or facilities.

Operations began returning to normal at Dallas/Forth Worth International Airport, a day after severe weather moved through Dallas and several northern Texas counties.A severe thunderstorm and hailstorm Tuesday night prompted multiple flight diversions and about 200 cancellations, Magana’s statement said. Most of the airport’s schedule after 8 p.m. (9 p.m. ET) was suspended.

When the storm moved through, DFW personnel shepherded passengers into shelter areas and away from windows, according to the statement. Several aircraft were brought in from the airfield and deplaned.About 10,000 passengers sheltered in DFW terminals overnight. The airlines provided cots and blankets, toiletry kits and other supplies. Also, airport concessionaires remained open through the night.Authorities in Dallas reported a fatality but said it was unclear whether it was caused by the weather.

An unidentified man was found at an apartment complex within an area that had fallen electrical wires. Police had previously established a perimeter around the area, but the man apparently entered after the perimeter was established, Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans said.Operations at Love Field in Dallas were suspended for a time Tuesday night, spokesman Jose Torres said. The airport moved all passengers and personnel into an airport basement for an hour as winds kicked up and power was lost, Torres said.When people emerged from the basement, they found damaged aircraft and vehicles. Some passengers slept in that airport as well, Torres said.

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