Flights to Atlanta

Discount flights are being slashed from the Quad City International Airport.AirTran is cutting some routes starting this fall.Quad Citians said they depend on those cheap flights to and from Atlanta, Georgia.Some said without them, it’s going to be very frustrating.This really stinks, said traveler Alison Coe.Starting November 30th you can’t catch an AirTran flight to Atlanta from the Quad Cities.Some folks said they won’t get to see family as often because AirTran flights are all they can afford.It’s the closest airport with the most affordable flights. So now that its not there anymore it’s kind of surprising news. It’s disappointing, said Coe.Some folks in the Quad Cities said they choose the Quad City International Airport because it’s so convenient.It’s going to be very inconvenient because all of my family lives here. So it’s been very convenient to go to and from Atlanta to Moline when I need to, said traveler Rhonda Hampton-White.Airport leaders said the Quad Cities is lucky to have AirTran and they tried to keep this from happening but financially it doesn’t make sense for the carrier to keep the flights.If a low cost carrier is in the market and they leave its very hard to get them back and that’s what I’m disappointed in, that we didn’t get the total 100% support that we needed, said Quad City International Airport director of aviation Bruce Carter.Airport officials said they take pride in offering competitive prices compared to other local airports.We’re concerned about the fares. Were concerned that somebody may have bought a $200 flight to Orlando and then they get their refund and it might be more than that, said Carter.If you have a flight booked after November 30th, AirTran officials ask you to call 1-800-AirTran for a voucher to book a different flight.

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