Air China to start flights between Beijing and Yushu

The quake relief work has marched into the reconstruction phase, which requires to boost air transportation in no time according to the Guidance to Yushu Earthquake Reconstruction issued by the Chinese government. Air China opened non-stop flights between Beijing and Yushu on June 11 in order to assist the rescuers and survivors in their reconstruction work. The line will set up an air channel for the reconstruction and development of Yushu in the future.

The aircraft of Airbus A319 equipped with the RNP Required Navigation Performance  technology will be put in line. The flight numbered CA1275/6 departs from Beijing International Airport at 7:15 am and arrives at Yushu Batang Airport at 10:30am every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, while it returns from Yushu at 11:20 am and arrives at 14:25pm in Beijing.

Yushu Batang Airport is China’s second highest airport on plateau with altitude of 3905m. The complex geographical condition requires exceptional flying skills since normal navigation is not sufficient to ensure proper take-off and landing. The adoption of the RNP technoolgy aims to secure the operation of airports on plateau. On Apr. 29, Air China made its test flight successfully with the RNP and won the normal operation qualification at the Yushu airport.

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